How Do Nursing Programs Know You Got a C or C-

Frequently Asked Questions - Educational activity

Clinical Experiences

Exercise the education rules require a specific number of clinical hours in a nursing programme?

Rules 214.9(c) and 215.ix(c) describe clinical education requirements for vocational nursing (VN) and professional nursing (RN) education programs, respectively. The requirements for clinical hours for both vocational and professional nursing education programs are similar...Toggle Expand/Collapse Text

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How tin clinical evaluation tools bear witness progression of students' cerebral, affective, and psychomotor achievements?

Clinical evaluation tools should conspicuously bespeak the expected behaviors of students in each clinical class. The expected behaviors reflect the educatee growth in cognition base of operations and skill level equally the student progresses through the curriculum to somewhen fulfill the programme objectives....Toggle Expand/Collapse Text

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What tasks can a nursing student in a BON canonical nursing education programme perform during clinical learning experiences?

Under the supervision of kinesthesia, the nursing student can perform tasks for which he/she has been prepared in the education program. Kinesthesia are responsible for supervising...Toggle Expand/Collapse Text

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What distinguishes an "observational feel"?

Observation experiences are those clinical learning experiences where the student is assigned to follow a health intendance professional person in a facility or on a unit to observe activities or to discover the office of nursing but where the pupil does non participate in patient care. Example: observing or post-obit a respiratory therapist on a unit.

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How may preceptors can be used in the clinical setting?

After a student has received clinical and didactic pedagogy in basic areas of nursing or instruction specific to a particular course, clinical preceptors may exist used in a ane-on-1 relationship with a staff nurse to enhance clinical learning experiences. Preceptors serve as...Toggle Expand/Collapse Text

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Are students practicing under the faculty member's license during clinical learning experiences?

A nursing pupil enrolled in a Texas canonical nursing programme is non required to accept a license considering of the exemption in the Nursing Practice Act §301.004(6), but tin can practice in a student nurse part under the supervision of a qualified member of the nursing faculty for the purposes of meeting educational requirements for clinical exercise. Since the nursing student is exempt, he/she is non practicing "under the faculty member's license."

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Is information technology necessary for nursing kinesthesia to co-sign nursing students' documentation entries in patient records?

The BON does not accept rules specifically related to faculty co-signing student documentation in patient records. The necessity for faculty co-signing pupil documentation volition be dependent upon policies of the clinical agency and of the nursing program. Mostly, when charting is co-signed, it implies that the "co-signer" actually witnessed the nursing activities. The BON does not recommend co-signing documentation unless the "co-signer" witnessed and supervised the activity.

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How can a nursing education program increase the number of students in clinical settings?

Several options are included in the educational activity rules to allow programs to aggrandize the number of students under the supervision of a nursing faculty member. When a kinesthesia member...Toggle Expand/Collapse Text

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How can a program employ an MSN student majoring in nursing education and being mentored past a faculty member in a pre-licensure nursing plan?

Since the MSN student usually holds a BSN, he/she may part as a clinical teaching assistant working under the supervision of the Principal's prepared clinical faculty member. He/she may provide guest lectures under the supervision of the Master's prepared faculty fellow member equally long every bit the faculty member guides them and is in attendance at all times during didactic presentations.

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How can vocational nursing educational programs meet the requirements of the rule to provide students with experiences in both acute and non-acute intendance settings for Nursing Care of Children and Maternity Nursing when acute clinical opportunities in these areas are deficient?

Rule 214.nine(east)(one) describes the requirements regarding Nursing Care of Children. Didactic content includes (A) common wellness problems of children (non acute health problems) and implications for nursing care; (B) the normal care and needs of infants and children; (C) growth...Toggle Expand/Collapse Text

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Practise out-of-state programs wishing to comport clinical learning experiences in Texas need to seek BON approval?

Programs located in other states that are preparing their graduates to take the NCLEX-PN or NCLEX-RN examination for a license and who wish to comport clinical learning experiences in Texas may demand approvals from several Texas agencies, depending upon their program type:...Toggle Expand/Collapse Text

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What basic content must exist included in the plan of report for a vocational plan and for a professional program?

Rule 214.nine outlines program content for vocational nursing education programs that includes:...Toggle Expand/Collapse Text

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What are the BON requirements regarding the apply of standardized examinations (HESI, ATI)?

The BON does not have requirements related to programs using standardized examinations. Many nursing programs use remediation/testing packages in a diversity of ways that are individualized to each programme. Some programs utilize other processes or techniques to prepare students for the NCLEX examination....Toggle Expand/Collapse Text

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What is the difference between a major curriculum change and a pocket-size curriculum change?

Information technology is important to know if a curriculum change is a major alter or a minor alter considering major changes require Board Staff approval. Minor curriculum changes do not crave blessing and include:...Toggle Expand/Collapse Text

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What should exist included in an abbreviated proposal for a major curriculum change?

Nursing education programs that take full blessing status and are seeking approval for a major curriculum change shall submit an abbreviated proposal (run across Education Guideline iii.7.1.a.) to the Board office for approval at least iv (4) months prior to implementation. The abbreviated proposal shall incorporate at least the following information:...Toggle Expand/Collapse Text

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Is it necessary to obtain BON approval to offer IV therapy in the vocational nursing curriculum?

Rule 214 does not specifically address incorporating IV therapy for the vocational nurse in the curriculum. It is non prohibited in vocational nursing curriculum.

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What criteria are important when selecting an RN-to-BSN program?

Because of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommendation to increase the number of BSN-prepared nurses [available'due south of scientific discipline in nursing (BSN)], many new RN-to-BSN programs...Toggle Expand/Collapse Text

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What are the required qualifications of a Dean or Director of a professional person nursing education (RN) programme?

The dean or director of a professional nursing (RN) education program shall:...Toggle Expand/Collapse Text

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What are the required qualifications of a Director or Coordinator of a vocational nursing instruction (LVN) program?

The director or coordinator of a vocational nursing education program shall:...Toggle Expand/Collapse Text

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What is the difference betwixt a plan director and a program coordinator? What is the part of an assistant manager or coordinator?

The private who is the managing director of a professional nursing education (RN) programme commonly has the title of dean, director, or coordinator. The recognized managing director has the direct potency for...Toggle Expand/Collapse Text

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What are the qualifications for nursing kinesthesia in a professional nursing (RN) teaching program?

A kinesthesia member in a professional nursing teaching plan shall:...Toggle Expand/Collapse Text

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What are the qualifications for nursing kinesthesia in a vocational nursing (LVN) teaching program?

A faculty member in a vocational nursing education program shall:...Toggle Expand/Collapse Text

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Can licensed vocational nurses be used equally kinesthesia in LVN nursing teaching?

Plan directors or coordinators may employ licensed vocational nurses equally faculty in LVN plan using the following criteria as outlined in Educational activity Guideline three.5.iii.a:...Toggle Expand/Collapse Text

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What are the qualifications for adjunct (role-time) faculty?

Requirements for adjunct or role-time nursing faculty are the same as for total-time nursing faculty.

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How would a nursing program determine how many faculty members are needed?

The number of faculty members shall exist adamant by factors such equally:...Toggle Expand/Collapse Text

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What can clinical didactics assistants do?

Clinical didactics assistants (CTAs) may be used in professional nursing programs to extend the faculty: student ratio. When CTAs are used, the number of students supervised by the...Toggle Expand/Collapse Text

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What is the advisable workload for total time and part fourth dimension nursing faculty?

The nursing education rules exercise not specify workload or a method to calculate faculty workload for nursing faculty. Rules that provide guidance in determining workloads for nursing kinesthesia state that:...Toggle Expand/Collapse Text

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Can programs utilize laboratory assistants? What are their qualifications? What can they do? Are they considered faculty?

It is acceptable for nursing programs to utilize laboratory administration to manage the nursing lab. The qualifications and expectations for the lab banana should be provided in the chore clarification. Some activities that might be included in their job clarification are:...Toggle Expand/Collapse Text

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What faculty policies should be included in the Faculty Handbook?

  • Terms of employment;
  • Faculty workload;
  • Dean/manager/coordinator workload;
  • Position descriptions (including qualifications and responsibilities);
  • Faculty orientation to the institution and to the nursing program;
  • Faculty development; and
  • Faculty evaluation criteria.

The Faculty Handbook should as well include written policies and procedures and/or bylaws for the faculty organization that serves to guide the faculty and program's activities, including:...Toggle Expand/Collapse Text

What are the requirements for not-nursing faculty teaching in a nursing plan?

Non-nursing faculty are exempt from meeting the kinesthesia qualifications as long as teaching assignments are non in courses with nursing content (having nursing objectives) or in...Toggle Expand/Collapse Text

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Is it acceptable to utilize a faculty member with a multistate license when the party country is their abode land?

A nurse with a meaty license moving from his/her habitation state to a remote land may continue to practise under the former home state license and multistate licensure privilege during...Toggle Expand/Collapse Text

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Tin can a kinesthesia member go on to teach if they have a Board Guild?

When a nurse receives a Board Club listing sanctions against the nurse's license, he/she is required to testify the Board Lodge to their nursing supervisor. If any sanctions impact the faculty member'due south ability to supervise students, their teaching consignment will need to be inverse. Whatever actions by the program toward the nurse faculty who has a Board Order are affected by program policies. Board Staff recommend that all programs develop policies regarding faculty with Lath Orders.

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Do nursing education programs need a Peer Review Commission?

A peer review commission is a committee established under the authority of the governing body of a national, state, or local nursing clan; a school of nursing; the nursing staff of a infirmary, health science center, nursing dwelling house, home health bureau, temporary nursing service, or...Toggle Expand/Collapse Text

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Complaints to the BON Near Nursing Programs

How does the BON handle complaints about nursing programs?

At that place are two (ii) types of complaint: signed complaints and anonymous complaints:...Toggle Expand/Collapse Text

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Extension Site/Campus

When can a nursing educational activity program start an extension site?

An extension site/campus is a location other than the program'southward main campus where a portion or all of the curriculum is provided. (It does stand for a identify and requires that students appoint in their education past attention the site for labs or didactic.)...Toggle Expand/Collapse Text

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Program Appoval

What goes into the conclusion of ongoing approving status of a Board-approved program?

Ongoing approval status is based upon:...Toggle Expand/Collapse Text


Does the BON accept guidelines for currency of library, video and software holdings?

Generally, the accustomed standard regarding currency of reference materials and other holdings is "no older than five (5) years" for educational purposes in nursing education programs. This is not a written standard, but is common policy in educational institutions. An exception may be classical documents or main resource....Toggle Expand/Collapse Text

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Total Program Evaluation

What are "benchmarks indicators" of program and instructional effectiveness?

Benchmarks represent goals or measuring sticks for programme objectives. They are likewise "indicators" of how the program is coming together the evaluative criteria. For instance, one benchmark...Toggle Expand/Collapse Text

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NCLEX® PN/RN Examination

When graduates from a Texas approved nursing education program take the NCLEX® in another land or country, are their results included with the exam results for the school from which they graduated?

The NCLEX® exam results of graduates from Texas nursing education programs, no matter where the NCLEX® examinations are taken, are calculated in the overall pass rate...Toggle Expand/Collapse Text

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Where tin can I notice more than information well-nigh the alternating format test items?

The NCLEX exam will include questions other than multiple selection. Alternate examination items will include:...Toggle Expand/Collapse Text

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Where can I find a copy of the NCLEX test bulletin?

A re-create of the NCLEX Examination Candidate Bulletin can be found at

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How many times can I take the NCLEX Examination?

The exam can be taken every 45 days for a 4 year period of time. This is governed by Rule 217.ii which states in part:

  • (c) An applicant for initial licensure past examination shall pass the NCLEX-PN or NCLEX-RN within four years of completion of requirements for graduation.
  • (d) An applicant who has not passed the NCLEX-PN or NCLEX-RN inside four years from the date of completion of requirements for graduation must complete a board approved nursing education program in society to take or retake the examination.

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What specific courses are required to be eligible to have the NCLEX-PN® or NCLEX-RN® Test?

To exist eligible to take the NCLEX-PN® exam, the student must have completed an canonical program for educating vocational/practical nurses. Correlated theory and clinical practise shall have been completed in the following areas: nursing care of children; maternity nursing;...Toggle Expand/Collapse Text

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Can I accept the NCLEX-PN® Examination if I have been a paramedic, Navy Corpsman, or Air Force Medic?

The State of Texas has no provision to allow claiming of the licensure examination based on feel. The requirement is that one be a graduate of an approved vocational nursing program to utilise for licensure. The merely canonical military approved vocational nursing...Toggle Expand/Collapse Text

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Can I take the NCLEX-PN® if I have completed part of my RN education?

The Texas Board of Nursing (BON) does not allow RN students/graduates to accept the NCLEX-PN/VN exam. Additionally, RN students/graduates who accept challenged the exam in other states, are not allowed to endorse into Texas. Merely graduates from approved schools of vocational nursing are eligible to take the NCLEX-PN/VN exam or endorse into Texas as an LVN.

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Does the BON accept policies or statements pertaining to students with disabilities?

The BON does not have statements or policies that specifically address students with disabilities in nursing education programs. Both Rules 214 and 215 require that the curriculum for a nursing pedagogy programme be designed so that graduates are able to demonstrate the advisable Differentiated Essential Competencies for Graduates of Texas Nursing Programs: Vocational (VN), Diploma/Associate Degree (DIP/ADN), Baccalaureate (BSN), besides referred to as DECs....Toggle Expand/Collapse Text

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Does the BON have specific admission requirements for entry into a school of nursing?

Didactics rules require that the programme have well-defined, written nursing student policies including educatee admission policies, notwithstanding, the specifics of the access requirements are left to the programme....Toggle Expand/Collapse Text

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Does the BON have requirements for the exact items that must exist kept in the student'southward record?

Nursing programs are to retain the following items for a minimum of two (two) years:...Toggle Expand/Collapse Text

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How tin can students have input into program evolution?

Education rules require that students accept mechanisms for input into the development of bookish policies and procedures, curriculum planning, and evaluation of teaching effectiveness. One proposition for educatee input into the program governance is for the inclusion of student policies that provide for educatee representation on program committees. Students should be encouraged to have a course system that volition permit for student feedback related to the programme.

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What can a nursing student exercise in his/her job as a nurse tech/medical tech when non operation as a student in his/her nursing education program?

The exemption of nursing from the Nursing Exercise Deed (NPA) §301.004(half-dozen) does not apply to jobs in which the nursing student is employed outside of the educational experience. Students functioning every bit unlicensed assistive personnel (UPAs) for compensation may only perform tasks that do...Toggle Expand/Collapse Text

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When must a nursing student be reported to the BON?

A nursing education program shall report a educatee to the BON if the program has reasonable cause to suspect that the ability of the nursing educatee to perform the services of the nursing profession would be, or would reasonably be expected to be,  impaired by chemical dependency (§301.404).

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What do the rules say well-nigh nursing students working office-time in a infirmary?

Rules 224 and 225 relating to delegation of unlicensed personnel past registered professional nurses apply to such nursing students. The definition of unlicensed personnel in Rule 224.iv(4) and in Dominion 225.4(12) includes nursing students enrolled in a professional nursing teaching program...Toggle Expand/Collapse Text

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Can LVNs who besides hold licenses as RNs yet piece of work as vocational nurses?

In that location is nothing preventing licensed registered nurses from working in the capacity of licensed vocational nurses, however, when working as an LVN, they must stay inside the parameters of their scope of practice. Exception: In the result of an emergency, the LVN would be expected to function at the highest level of their education (i.e. professional nurse) and their performance should reflect professional judgment inherent in that office.

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Where may I complete the clinical hours? May I exercise the 80 hours in a school setting, home health care, hospice intendance, a physician'due south office, or must the hours be completed in an acute intendance facility?

The rules are non prescriptive as to the specific setting in which the clinical hours must be completed; even so, the optimal setting would provide a wide range of opportunities for...Toggle Expand/Collapse Text

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What should I look for in a preceptor?

The preceptor must be licensed to practice nursing in Texas. Board staff recommends that the preceptor have electric current noesis and clinical expertise in the designated area of practice. Individuals applying to re-enter every bit an RN must take an RN clinical preceptor, and individuals applying to re-enter as an LVN may take either an LVN or RN clinical preceptor.

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I am having difficulty finding a facility in which to complete the clinical component. Can the BON help me?

It is not inside the purview of the Board of Nursing (BON) to recommend specific programs or possible clinical sites for refresher programs.

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I live in a rural area and at that place are no courses in my area. What are my options?

You may participate in an extensive orientation which meets all required content criteria. For example, a potential employer may be willing to provide an in-depth comprehensive...Toggle Expand/Collapse Text

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Do I have to consummate all 80 hours in one block of time, such as a two-week period, or may I do x hours per week for viii weeks or 20 hours per week for four weeks?

The rules are not prescriptive as to how the hours are to be structured within the half dozen calendar month temporary permit menses. However, it is important to remember that the temporary permit is valid for only half-dozen months and is non-renewable.

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May I administer medications or do I observe a currently licensed nurse administer medications?

Board staff recommends that y'all administrate medications nether the supervision of your preceptor or RN instructor, in alignment with the policies of the clinical learning site.

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May I document in the medical record or do I discover a currently licensed nurse document?

Board staff recommends that you accurately and completely certificate the nursing care yous provide according to the clinical learning site's policies.

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How do I sign my name?

Board staff recommends, e.chiliad.: Mary Smith, RN Temporary Permit.

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May I be paid as a licensed nurse during the lxxx hours of clinical learning experiences?

The BON does not have purview regarding this question. Financial compensation is at the clinical learning site's discretion.

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Practise I submit my CEUs and fee at present or with the license renewal? What is the procedure?

You may submit CEUs and the applicable fees anytime during the process; however, these items must be submitted prior to the expiration of the temporary permit. Board staff recommends that you lot submit your 20 contact hours of CNE and the non-refundable fees as soon every bit possible. Call up the twenty contact hours should be for the two years immediately preceding your application for reactivation.

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I completed a nursing educational program and never passed NCLEX-RN® or NCLEX-PN®. What type of refresher program practice I demand to complete?

If you take non passed the NCLEX-RN® or NCLEX-PN® within 4 years from the date of completion of requirements for graduation, y'all must re-educate by completing a board canonical nursing educational program in order to take or retake the examination.

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Am I obligated to accept nurses for the lxxx hours of clinical learning experiences?

No. However, a CNO or DON may choose to open their place of employment as a clinical learning experience. Individuals seeking to reactivate their nursing license are a potential resource to bolster the nursing workforce.

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My facility does not take a structured form in place, how do I ensure that I am providing the essential elements of the course?

The required content areas are listed on both the RN and LVN Applications for Six-Month Temporary Permit Forms. An overview of requirements provides a description of the general requirements for didactic and clinical content. Requirements include recommendations for fourth dimension allotted to each content area. Dwelling study and/or video-based programs are not acceptable as the primary or sole ways of educational activity. The eighty hours of clinical learning must be spent in directly patient intendance.

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Nosotros will have individuals complete the clinical component of the refresher/re-entry course in our infirmary. Exercise we continue them with the aforementioned preceptor the entire 80 hours or can we assign them to different preceptors on dissimilar days?

The BON does not have specific requirements for the number of preceptors an individual may be assigned to during the 80 hours of clinical. Nonetheless, all nurses identified as preceptors must see the BON's qualifications for preceptors and take been oriented to the objectives and expectations of the clinical learning experience....Toggle Expand/Collapse Text

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Nurses Endorsing into Texas from another State

In what order do I complete the forms? Which comes starting time, endorsement or temporary let?

The temporary permit is the offset step in the process. The temporary allow allows an private to begin a refresher course, extensive orientation to the practice of nursing, or a nursing plan of report which meets the requirements prescribed past the Board. The temporary permit application is a step-by-step guideline that will walk y'all through the process. It is located on the Lath's website, here.

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What is the fourth dimension frame for the endorsement process afterward I consummate the refresher/re-entry course?

Yous may begin completing the endorsement application upon completion of the refresher program, extensive orientation, or program of report and subsequent receipt of the Verification of...Toggle Expand/Collapse Text

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Providers of Refresher Programs, Extensive Orientations or Academic Nursing Courses

In light of the new rule revisions, when is the borderline for making changes to our program, orientation or academic nursing courses?

In keeping with the mission of patient rubber, the Board adopted revisions to Rules 217.6 and 217.nine to ensure individuals seeking to reactivate their nursing license volition be competent to safely practice nursing....Toggle Expand/Collapse Text

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Guidelines for Resources

Does the BON accept guidelines for currency of library, video, and software holdings?

Generally, the accepted standard regarding currency of reference materials and other holdings is "no older than 5 years" for educational purposes in nursing educational activity programs. This is not written anywhere as a concrete standard. In most cases, the BON and Board staff apply the "no older than 5 years" standard in relation to the currency requirements in the BON rules...Toggle Expand/Collapse Text

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Unapproved Nursing Educational Programs Operating in Texas

Are there unapproved nursing educational programs operating in Texas?

The Board is enlightened of the following six schools operating in Texas without Lath approval. Graduates from these programs would not be eligible to take the NCLEX licensure examination. Review the BON News posting for more than information....Toggle Expand/Collapse Text

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Background Checks

Are background checks required in Texas?

Applicants seeking licensure in Texas by Endorsement or Test are required to submit a complete and legible prepare of fingerprints on a form prescribed past the board for the purpose of obtaining a criminal history from the Texas Section of Public Safety and the Federal Bureau of Investigations. (Department 301.252 (b) and Department 301.252 (due east) of the Texas Occupations Code)...Toggle Expand/Collapse Text

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Becoming a Nurse

What are the rules for condign a nurse?

  • Rule 214 - Vocational Nursing Education
  • Rule 215 - Professional Nursing Educational activity
  • Rule 219 - Advanced Nurse Practitioner Programs
  • Rule 217 - Licensure, Peer Assistance and Practice
  • Information for Internationally Educated Nurses; Becoming a Licensed Nurse in the United States Adobe Acrobat PDF icon pdf

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Out-of-State Programs/Online Programs/Correspondence Courses

What information do y'all have well-nigh Out-of-Country Programs/Online Programs/Correspondence Courses?

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For more information on these and other topics, utilize the search field at the top right corner of the page. Should you take further questions or are in need of description, please experience free to contact the Board.


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